The SWADES Effect

This is a thought that has lingered in my mind for a long long time now... and I think most of us have their preferences set in regard to this- do you yearn to get a foreign package so that you can leave your country and follow a seemingly luxurious and higher paying job outside your own country, or do you wish to strive hard right here and contribute your bit towards the nation that bore you...?
I call it the SWADES effect, paying due homage to the film that changed my life, I am hundred percent sure that I will not go abroad to work even if I get an offer, let the offer be bigger than what I can dream of getting here. Well sometime back I read a very interesting thought-
A Japanese child studies and dreams of developing a robot to contribute towards his nation's growth.
A German child studies and dreams of developing a car engine to contribute towards his nation's growth.
... (a few more examples, gasp)
But an Indian child studies and dreams of going to USA for a fat pay-package.
Isn't it pathetic? Certainly I feel so... the top tier of our intellectual youth works abroad, builds a fortune for themselves, but in the process sends ten times the amount in the coffers of already developed bullies of the world.Now anti-Swades-ians (yes I'll call you like that!) protest and say that these people return so much back to India which contributes to the GDP of your poor country.
Hell!- if you stayed here and worked in a low-paying ISRO than NASA, Indian space research would have been booming like anything.And in the long-run that is what India requires.We have a huge share of world's brightest brains (take a look at those dumb Brits or Americans!), and we still are counted amongst

Huh, too serious this time!Well blogging isn't just about telling strangers which joint you ate at and how you gifted the most weird gift to your girlfriend.I have already highlighted the most witty line in this preachy post, in a hope that you'll read the entire post (good marketing skills in the offing? ;) ).